United Solar Consultants
- Address: 8539 Monroe Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28212, USA
- Telephone Number: 1-888-317-6968 x2041, 1-888-317-6968 x2040
- Business: Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors, Specialty Installer
- Services: Consulting, Contractors, Design, Financial Services
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Evacuated Tube Collectors, Alternative Home And Building, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Systems, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Turbines, Small Wind Energy Systems, Small Wind Turbines, Solar Combined Heatings, Solar Space Heatings/Coolings, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Space Heating Systems, Space Heating System Components
- Web Site: http://www.unitedsolarconsultants.com
- We are specialized in advancing the solar economy by utilizing our expertise to ensure your business uses clean, safe, reliable and cost-effective power from an alternative source. Through direct and indirect distribution channels, we establish a business relationship with buyers and global manufacturers (sellers). We are a full-service, sales, and installation company. We help drive the demand for solar products and manage small and large-scale solar projects. While we are helping the economy by creating new jobs and educating solar energy companies, we also ensure that our clients purchase the most advanced solar products at the lowest price.