Posharp.com has been providing high quality sourcing, purchasing, and selling services for renewable energy products, services and information worldwide.
Posharp business database is the comprehensive business directory of global renewable energy manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, installers and contractors. Featured with over 28,000 business profiles in the world, the directory is completely FREE, but protects everyone from spam. Find a wide variety of over 28,000 companies in renewable energy and subtainable engineering businesses or count out how many companies in each section, category, or any combination.
The Solar Panel Database is a unique central repository of in-depth information and data on photovaltaic solar panels commercially available in the global market. The database has over 10,000 solar panel models from manufacturers in the world. Browse the database for panel efficicency and performance for each model you are interested.
Our wholesale service is an online bridge between growing demand and supply surplus for high quality renewable energy products. We have direct strategic partnerships with the best in the industry to offer best prices and best quality, with our focus on complications of quality control, delivery, payment, and standing inventory.