TaurusGreen Energy recognizes the profound opportunities that exist as a result ofour current social emphasis on environmentalism, and the movement toalternative energies. Taurus Green Energy sees the numerous benefits andpotential growth for converting household electrical demand from “the grid,” toself-sustainability. With the recent dramatic increase in householdutility costs, the movement toward alternative energies, and with the legislativeincentives to convert, Taurus Green Energy seeks the advantage to become theleader Nepal alternative energy transition.
Our vision is a future powered byrenewable energy. In one hour, enough sunlight reaches the earth to meet the energyneeds of every person on the planet for one year. The promise of solar energyis no longer a thing of the future, it is here and now. Our goal is to bringthis clean, abundant and renewable source of energy home to you.
Ourmission is to be the best renewable energy supply and installation company inNepal for medium scale and residential systems; continually striving tomaintain excellence in components, installation and superior customer service.
· renewable energyadvisor, designing tailored solutions
· a reliable sourceof technical support and precision installation
· dedicated toraising community awareness about the benefits of renewable energy technology