Stanfa Electric
- Address: 125 Azalia Ave., Brevard, North Carolina 28712, USA
- Telephone Number: 828-553-7260
- Services: Contractors
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Evacuated Tube Collectors, Alternative Home And Building, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Systems, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Radiant Heating System, Roof Integrated Systems, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Turbines, Small Wind Energy Systems, Small Wind Turbines, Solar Combined Heatings, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Underfloor Heating Products
- Background includes several years experience in heavy industrial, commercial, and residential wiring. Shut-downs on steam driven turbines w/KBR, formerly Brown&Root. Have been a licensed electrical contractor in N.C. for over five years. Very involved locally w/renewable energy and green building.