- Address: calle Portugal 2, Caravaca de la cruz 30410, Spain
- Telephone Number: oo34 659315130
- Email: Send Email to Solardirecta
- Business: Retailer, Wholesale Distributors
- Services: Maintenance & Repairs
- Products: Evacuated Tube Collectors, Solar Pool Heatings, Solar Thermals, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Solar Storage Tanks
- Web Site: http://www.solardirecta.com
- Established and trading over 6 years in spain.we have a range of fully pressurized compact solar water heaters. not to be confused with cheap gravity feed or pre-heat pipe in tank systems all units are manufactured to our own specs are not available elsewhere. they represent the very latest developments in quality high end solar water heaters. we can supply a one off single unit or full containers on a regular basis.