Solar Power and Heating, LLC
- Address: PO Box 604 , Annapolis, Maryland 20701-0604, USA
- Telephone Number: 410 952-1363
- Services: Consulting, Contractors, Financial Services, Installation, Auditing & Inspections
- Products: Sustainable Homes And Buildings, Hydro Energy, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Energy, Solar Space Heatings/Coolings, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Space Heating Systems, Wind Energy
- Web Site: http://solarpowerandheating.com
- Solar Power and Heating, LLC (SPH) was founded in 2009 by its CEO/President, Mr. Jim Donlan to be a leader in the renewable energy market. SPH's provides consulting, program, project management, and equipment and construction services to our clients in order to manage and reduce their energy demand, cost and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.