Solar MEMS Technologies S.L.
- Address: Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja'93 c/ Leonardo da Vinci 18, TecnoIncubadora Marie Curie Planta 1, Modulo 2, Seville 41092, Spain
- Telephone Number: +34 954 46 01 13
- Facsimile Number: +34 954 46 01 13
- Email: Send Email to Solar MEMS Technologies S.L.
- Business: Manufacturers, Sun sensors and Solar Tracking Control.
- Services: Engineering
- Products: Software, Solar 1 Axis Trackers, Solar Tracking Systems
- Web Site: http://www.solar-mems.com
- Solar MEMS is a company specialized in microelectronics and the application of MEMS technology.
Solar MEMS develops sun sensors of high accuracy and a Solar Tracking Control for CPV, HCPV, Stirling, CSP, ...