Site, Secure information Transmission engineering
- Address: 250 Consumers Rd suite 303,, Toronto M1E4K9, Canada
- Telephone Number: 647 748 0888 Canada
- Facsimile Number: 647 748 0880 Canada
- Email: Send Email to Site, Secure information Transmission engineering
- Business: Solar system suppliers, distributers.
- Services: Education and Workshops, Engineering, Clean Power Marketers, Solar systems distributers, training professionals
- Products: Sustainable Homes And Buildings, Solar Energy, Education and training in Vocational, engineering, renewable energy and IT
- Web Site: http://www.secureite.com
- Distributers of Solar panels( thin Filmtechnology), Solar power system design, implementation,testing, and training and education in vocational, engineering and IT areas.
Looking for installation contractors and dealers for Solar systems (grid and off Grid) in Punjab, Rajisthan, Haryana, Himachal.
Solar systems, grid connected power system, Off grid Solar systems; House lighting, heating and refrigiration, street lights, water extraction, Mobile tele Towers, Petrol station solar system etc Training and education in re newable energy systems, design, installation and testing. Electrical technician and engineering, IT training in cisco, data security, risk management and other IT professions.Telecommunications, wireless system designs and installations, WiFi Fimax.