Sage Collaboration
- Address: 6 Harvey Place, Durham, North Carolina 27705, USA
- Telephone Number: 919-724-1219
- Services: Consulting
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Solar Combined Heatings
- Services: Will provide effective, efficient processes and procedures for achieving green building, tailored as needed to specific projects and organizations. Examples: LEED and related documentation, charrettes and other integrated design facilitation, and templates. Qualifications: Key role in developing High Performance Guidelines for Triangle Region Public Facilities, producing NC Green Building Database (www.ncgreenbuilding.org), coordinating statewide technical assistance to state-funded green building projects, and writing WasteSpec specifications manual. Green Builder of the Year 1998 from Carolinas Recycling Association. Professional background in law and administration, not archicture or engineering.