Orange Rockalnd Solar
- Address: 368 New Hempsted Rd. #244, New City, New York 10956, USA
- Telephone Number: 845 445 9005
- Facsimile Number: 845 445 9006
- Email: Send Email to Orange Rockalnd Solar
- Business: Retailer
- Services: Design, Installation
- Products: Solar Energy
- Web Site:
- Consultation and analysis, installation of all Photovoltaic Solar Systems Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Solar Farming.
Orange & Rockland Solar is a solar system installer in Greater New York City area (down state NY) as well as North Jersey and Connecticut, However, we will feel comfortable with our trained technician and staff to handle any solar system larger than 150KW from coast to coast across the country.
We are happy and exited to share and bring Solar PV (=Photo Voltaic) technology to the wide public.