Natural Resource Solutions Inc.
- Address: 225 Labrador Drive, Unit 1, Waterloo N2K 4M8, Canada
- Telephone Number: 519-725-2227
- Services: Consulting
- Products: Solar Energy
- Web Site: http://www.nrsi.on.ca
- Natural Resource Solutions Inc. is an environmental consulting firm founded in 1998 with our office located in Waterloo, Ontario. Our staff consists of 25 fulltime biologists specializing in aquatic, terrestrial and wetland biology. NRSI staff has worked throughout Ontario on a wide range of projects from site specific surveys to watershed level studies. Our biologists have particular expertise in the identification and management of significant and sensitive biological communities including wetlands, woodlands and aquatic habitats. We pride ourselves on our ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams providing innovative and practical solutions to biological issues.