Mountain Realty Builders, LLC
- Address: PO Box 19660, Asheville, North Carolina 28815, USA
- Telephone Number: 828-333-9502, 828-301-0806
- Business: Real Estate Sales | Broker
- Services: Contractors
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Combined Heatings, Energy Analysis
- Web Site: http://mtnrealtybldrs.com
We are early members of the Western North Carolina HealthyBuilt Homes program and have nearly a dozen homes either certified or in process. Our focus is the Building Science areas of green building (airsealing, weatherstripping, high-efficiency insulation, efficient HVAC and windows). We use the Energy 10 software to model which energy-efficient techniques are cost-effective. We also have the software to do the Manual J HVAC calculations to supply the HVAC contractor. We have our own Minnesota Blower Door to diagnose and treat any air leakeages left after we airseal. We often build with high-efficient products such as Insulated Concrete Forms. We only build in the counties of Western North Carolina.