Misal Technologies Pty. Ltd.is currently seeking opening of new global markets for our Billabong Hydraulic Rams (Water Rams), and wishes to establish manufacturing facilities in various, strategically located, global geographical areas to achieve these objectives. In particular, we wish to expand the exposure of our Billabong Rams to regions outside Australia, with particular focus on Europe and Asia.
This is an opportunity to purchase a long term exclusive licence for a specific area, territory or country to manufacture and/or market and sell the full range of Billabong Hydraulic Ram Water Pumps, comprising of Rams No.3 to Ram No.7 and No.10.
This unique self-lubricating hydraulic Water Ram pump is capable of lifting water up to a height of 200 feet above a running water source (i.e. spring, creek, river) without the use of electricity, steam diesoline or gas fired engines. The Australian made and designed original Billabong Hydraulic Water Ram was developed in 1855 (i.e. some 156 years ago) and has been significantly improved over the years. It is a well field proven Ram in Australia and the Pacific Basin, with thousands of satisfied end users. It is one of the oldest Rams made anywhere in the world and certainly the oldest Ram pump operating in Australia.
Other unique features:
a) The Ram does not require Electricity, Fuel or Steam to operate
b) It is powered by utilising the kinetic energy of the running water itself
c) Requires very minimal of No maintenance
d) The Billabong Rams are renowned for their extremely high longevity (60+ years)
e) There are instances (in Australia) where a 2nd or 3rd generation of farmers are still operating the same Rams!
The Ram represents the perfect (green) environmentally friendly pumping system, further it is pollution free, with very long lasting longevity, almost maintenance free and is the nearest thing to perpetual motion. The technology is well proven with many pumps operating continuously for extremely long periods of time; such as in excess of 50 years plus. This is a real time business opportunity from an age-old and proven technology. Water Rams have the capability to pump water to where it is needed, for free.
The company is seeking Licensees for predetermined geographical areas.
Offers for outright sale of the Ram Intellectual Property (IP) technology will also be considered.
Interested parties should contact:
The Managing Director
Misal Technologies Pty. Ltd.
P.O.Box 510
Ringwood, VIC 3134