Matrix Energy Inc.
- Address: 296 Labrosse Avenue, Pointe Claire (Montreal) H9R 5L8, Canada
- Telephone Number: 514-630-5630
- Business: Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Evacuated Tube Collectors, HVAC, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Solar Combined Heatings, Solar Space Heatings/Coolings, Solar Thermals, Solar Hot Water Heaters
- Web Site: http://www.matrixenergy.ca
- Since 1991 Matrix Energy has been providing a unique blend of the world's best renewable energy products and services to address our clients various electrical power (see www.matrixenergy.ca)or space conditioning needs (see www.matrixairheating.com).
Depuis 1991, Énergie Matrix a fourni un éventail unique des meilleurs produits de l'energie renouvelable (voir www.matrixenergy.ca) et chauffage de l'air solaire (voir www.matrixairheating.com).