Magnum Mechanical Systems Ltd.
- Address: Box 6544, Wetaskiwin T9A 2G2, Canada
- Telephone Number: 780-352-8542
- Business: Retailer
- Services: Contractors, Installation
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Evacuated Tube Collectors, HVAC, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Solar Pool Heatings, Solar Space Heatings/Coolings, Solar Thermals, Solar Hot Water Heaters
- Web Site: http://www.magnummechanical.ca
- Magnum Mechanical is a full-service mechanical construction and service company. Committed to sustainable environmental practices, Magnum Mechanical is a leader in the field of renewable enbergy and high efficient mechanical systems including high-efficient boilers and hydronic heating systems, solar thermal and geo-thermal.
**please note that our website is currently under re-construction to emphasize our focus on sustainable energy mechanical systems.**