Lakeland College
- Address: 5707 College Drive, Vermilion T9X 1K5, Canada
- Telephone Number: 780-853-8741
- Business: Research Institution
- Services: Education and Workshops
- Products: Evacuated Tube Collectors, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Solar Hot Water Heaters
- Web Site: http://www.lakelandcollege.ca
- Lakeland College in Vermilion, Alberta is offering an online certificate program in Renewable Energy and Conservation. Courses focus on Solar Power, Wind Power, GeoEnergy Exchange, Biofuels, and Waste Reduction, Reuse & Recycling. Courses are eight weeks long, running two courses at a time. For full program details, visit www.lakelandcollege.ca