Intraco group
- Address: 69,Suhrawardy Avenue, Baridhara,Dhaka-1212, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
- Telephone Number: 008801811444215
- Facsimile Number: 0088028819921,8833853
- Email: Send Email to Intraco group
- Business: Manufacturers
- Services: Engineering
- Products: Solar Energy, Solar Photovoltaic Products, Solar Lightings, Solar Thermals, All kind of spare parts for CNG driven vehicles
- Web Site: http://www.intracogroup.com
- Our vision is to give our next generation a pollution free green world which will full of harmony, introduce new horizon in all business concerns. Create employment, improve the .socioeconomic condition of our country and make our beloved country from developing country or developed country.
Our mission is to serve the nation with quality service and product. We are dedicated to ensure the optimum security and safety of our clients in every possible way and committed to maintain the quality of products and the standard of services.