Integrated Design, P.A.
- Address: 1111 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605, USA
- Telephone Number: 919-832-6658, 919-612-6958
- Services: Architecture
- Products: Natural Daylightings, Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Combined Heatings
- Web Site: http://www.id-aep.com
Integrated Design is a multidiscipline firm of designers and planners who develop ideas into a built environment. Our collaborative approach brings together a comprehensive team of architects, civil engineers, landscape architects, interior designers, master planners, and our consultants to plan and coordinate projects from site and interior space design to the building design through construction. Integrated Design is a member of the US Green Building Council and over 80% of its registered design professionals are LEED Accredited Professionals.