- Address: 1960 Old Cuthbert Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034, USA
- Telephone Number: 856-616-0032
- Facsimile Number: 856-616-0132
- Email: Send Email to HOPPECKE BATTERIES INC.
- Business: Manufacturers
- Services: Installation, Testing Services
- Products: Batteries and Accessories, Industrial Batteries and Service
- Web Site: http://www.hoppecke-us.com
- Hoppecke Batteries Inc. is the North American office for Hoppecke Batterien GmbH & Co. (Germany).
We are a "Full Service" company and in addition to Industrial Batteries we can provide installation, maintenance, repair, re-conditioning, charging and testing for not only our batteries, but for all brands of batteries. We also provide service and maintenance programs as well as disposal arrangements.