Green & Clean Energy Co. Ltd.
- Address: 245 Southgate Drive, Unit 1, Guelph N1G 3M5, Canada
- Telephone Number: 519-763-7957
- Business: Wholesale Distributors
- Services: Consulting, Contractors, Installation
- Products: Solar Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Panels, Evacuated Tube Collectors, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Solar Pool Heatings, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Thin-Film Solar Panels
- Web Site: http://www.greennclean.ca
- We are providers of environmentally friendly products and solutions. green & clean brings the most ingenious and cost effective solutions to the world. Solar power, Vertical Axis Wind turbines, LED & Induction lighting, and a host of other eco-friendly solutions.