General Solar Power GSP
- Address: No.22, Yingteer Avenue, Fushan District, Yantai 265500, China
- Telephone Number: +86-535-6980888
- Email: Send Email to General Solar Power GSP
- Business: Manufacturers
- Products: Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Energy, Solar Photovoltaic Products, Thin-Film Solar Panels
- Web Site: http://www.solargsp.com
- General Solar Power is developing thin film photovoltaic technologies that drive down the cost of solar energy, making it a sustainable alternative to conventional energy sources.
Our first factory, in Yantai, Shandong, China, GSP carries a product range of 1.1 meter x 1.4 meter amorphous silicon modules. Our product line consists of both standard and see-through frameless modules providing our customers a product to fit any application from ground mount to commercial/residential rooftop to BIPV applications.