Energy Source China
- Address: 2301 HiWell International Building, Hangzhou 310052, China
- Telephone Number: 86-571-86577239
- Facsimile Number: 86-571-86577239
- Email: Send Email to Energy Source China
- Business: Agent, Exporters
- Services: Purchasing & Quality Assurance
- Products: Batteries and Accessories, Sustainable Homes And Buildings, Hydro Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy
- Web Site:
- Energy Source China, Ltd is a sourcing firm specializing in supplying alternative energy systems and components to manufacturers, contractors, distributors and developers worldwide.
We do not operate simply as a trading company in a buy-sell arrangement as a middleman between Asian factories and customers wishing to import. Instead we work closely with our clients to assist them in developing their product and marketing programs to take advantage of the efficiencies that factory-direct sourcing from Asia can provide.
Looking for a trusted source for solar, water & wind energy solutions from China? Energy Source China is your purchasing agent, quality assurance & logistics partner when it comes to sourcing quality components & complete systems that meet your long-term needs. Visit our website or contact us today.