- Address: 104 Corporate Drive, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909, USA
- Telephone Number: 2523331002
- Business: Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Solar Combined Heatings
- Web Site: http://glass-recycling.com/
- ECG Inc is a glass recycler and manufacturer of glass content recycling products such as precast wheel stops, trash cans, splash blocks, picnic tables, HVAC pads, pavers, flagstones, stepping stones, and ADA Detectable Warning Block all made to NCDOT Class B concrete standards but using recycled glass as the aggregate. The finished product is 82% recycled content. In addition, ECG accepts sorted and unsorted bottles, pane, plate, pyrex, ceramics, tempered and glass cullet for recycling.