- Address: 663 So. Rancho Santa Fe. #610, San Marcos, California 92078, USA
- Telephone Number: 877-849-6668
- Facsimile Number: 877-849-6668
- Email: Send Email to DyoCore
- Business: Wholesale Distributors
- Services: Clean Power Marketers, LED Lights and Fixtures - Smart Energy Solutions
- Products: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, LED
- Web Site: http://www.dyocore.com
- A simple online tool that integrates LED professionals with LED manufactures while incorporating automation for client support and data management. Front end primary tools are client data management, product catalog, quote creation, energy calculator and savings summary, order & fulfillment management. Back end tools include manufacturer management of catalog products and orders management. http://www.dyocore.com/LED
In the US the LED market is brand new and it gets quiteconfusing without the right information, not only for the buyers but moreimportantly the sellers. They need resources, product samples and answerswhen providing clients with quotes. I focused on that solution – aproduct resource portal for resellers & distributors. LED EasyMathprovides our users with simple tools to access product information from a largevariety of manufacturers, manage unlimited quotes, clients and orders. Weare a fulfillment and support solution for the market. My target usersare companies and individuals that already represent Green Technology productssuch as Solar, Wind, Energy Efficiency and other related products/services.