Dankoff Solar Pumps
- Address: 1730 Camino Carlos Rey, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, USA
- Telephone Number: 866-856-9819, 803-233-1739
- Business: Manufacturers, Wholesale Distributors, Specialty Installer
- Services: Design
- Products: Evacuated Tube Collectors, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Systems, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Roof Integrated Systems, Small Hydroelectric (Microhydro) Turbines, Solar Hot Water Heaters
- Web Site: http://www.scsolar.com
- Dankoff Solar Pumps is more than a business-minded company that operates in the renewable energy industry. We believe humanity must rethink and transform water and energy solutions in the next 25 years in order to withstand the crisis that will ensue for these vital resources.