D C Wafers
- Address: Carretera de Madrid, km 320 Valdelafuente, Leon, Spain
- Telephone Number: +34987219662
- Email: Send Email to D C Wafers
- Business: Manufacturers, Research and Development
- Services: Engineering
- Products: Solar Energy, Solar Photovoltaic Products, Solar Manufacturing Equipments, Solar Materials, Polycrystalline Wafers
- Web Site: http://www.dcwafers.com
- DC Wafers is manufacturing multicrystalline silicon wafers for the photovoltaic industry.
The initial production capacity is 13 million wafers, equivalent to approximately 45Mw. DC Wafers will start the construction of a second plant in Leon in the period 2010 to 2011.
DC Wafers R&D Department consists of 5 highly qualified researchers, and takes part in several research projects in collaboration with customers, suppliers and different Spanish and European Universities and Research Institutions.