Cort Architectural Group, PA
- Address: 239 Haywood St., Asheville, North Carolina 28801, USA
- Telephone Number: 828 251 5100, 828 252 6923
- Services: Architecture
- Products: Natural Daylightings, Energy Efficient Home And Building, Geothermal Energy Systems, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Alternative Home And Building, Passive Solar Energy Systems, Solar Combined Heatings, Energy Analysis
- Web Site: http://www.cortaia.com
- LEED accredited designers serving the institutional needs of western N.C. in educational, institutional, congregate living, and sporting facilities for over thirty years. Sustainable Designs include:Enka High School- Buncombe County 1983- Daylighting/Passive Solar;Industrial Arts Building ASU 1986- Daylighting/Passive Solar;Cort Residence Asheville 1988- Daylighting/Passive Solar;Sycamore Science Building ABTech 1998- Passive Solar;Witherspoon Science Building WWC 1999- Passive Solar;Jensen Building WWC 2006- Geothermal Heating/Green Building *LEED;EastPointe Office Building CPLLC- Green Building *LEED