Cleave Energy Inc.
- Address: 141 Main Street Picton, ON K0K 2T0, Picton K0K 2T0, Canada
- Telephone Number: (613) 476-9260
- Facsimile Number: (613) 476-6545
- Email: Send Email to Cleave Energy Inc.
- Business: Solar distributors
- Services: Installation
- Products: Solar Energy
- Web Site: http://www.cleave-energy.com
- The great thing about Cleave Energy is that business owners can not only use some of the power they generate in their operations, but they can also sell any excess energy they produce, back to the grid.
The great thing about Cleave Energy is that business owners can not only use some of the power they generate in their operations, but they can also sell any excess energy they produce, back to the grid.