Castle Creek Realty
- Address: 1089-B East Street, Pittsboro, North Carolina 27312, USA
- Telephone Number: 919-225-6450
- Business: Real Estate Sales | Broker
- Services: Installation
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Solar Combined Heatings
- Web Site: http://www.castlecreekrealestate.com
- Katy O'Leary is the Broker in Charge for Castle Creek Realty.While we specialize in new construction, and the listing and selling of re-sale homes, we are particularly interested in Green Building and Affordable Housing, and how there can be a fusion of the two.Castle Creek Realty is committed to marketing homes in innovative communities, with a particular interest in Green Building initiatives, and alliances with Affordable Housing organizations in order to provide energy efficient affordable housing.If you are interested in working with an innovative and unconventional marketing group for your listing and sale needs, please contact us today for an overview of our marketing and buying strategies. Real Estate is like a game of Chess...Whether you are an individual interested in buying or selling a pre-existing home, or you are a builder or corporation interested in marketing new construction, Let us help you make your next move.