Carolina Home Performance, Inc.
- Address: 3005 Cedar Creek Dr., Kernersville, North Carolina 27284, USA
- Telephone Number: 3365018882
- Business: Energy Rater
- Services: Consulting
- Products: Energy Efficient Home And Building, Alternative Home And Building, Solar Combined Heatings, Energy Analysis
- Web Site: http://www.carolinahomeperformanceinc.com
- Carolina Home Performance Inc. assists homeowners and builders retrofit and build their homes sustainably, efficiently, and affordably. For existing homes our process of evaluating, recommending cost effective improvements, and assisting with the implementation of the recommendations, is the most efficient way to improve your homes comfort, efficiency, and safety. For new homes we work with the builder from the design phase to the time the keys are turned over to the homeowner. We'll help you plan to meet energy efficient and/or green building guidelines. Give us a call!