- Address: 200 OZ LANE, WATSONVILLE, California 95076, USA
- Telephone Number: 831-272-2227
- Facsimile Number: 831-684-0730
- Business: Retailer
- Services: Contractors, Design, Financial Services, Installation, Maintenance & Repairs, Auditing & Inspections
- Products: Packaged Off-Grid Solar Systems, Packaged On-Grid Solar Systems, Solar Panels, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Small Wind Energy Systems, Small Wind Turbines, Solar Pool Heatings, Solar Space Heatings/Coolings, Solar Hot Water Heaters, Space Heating Systems
- Web Site: http://sunwaveenergy.net
- Design and install solar power systems, solar hot water panels, radiant floor, swimming pool heat panels, retrofit insulation, windows and doors.