Aeronautica Windpower
- Address: 11 Resnik Road, Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360, USA
- Telephone Number: 800.360.0132
- Business: Manufacturers
- Products: Large Wind Energys Systems, Large Wind Turbines Tower And Structures, Large Wind Turbines
- Web Site: http://aeronauticawind.com
- Aeronautica Windpower is a manufacturing and marketing company that builds and markets mid-scale commercial and industrial (225 to 750 Kw) wind turbines.
New Turbines to be made in the USA! Beginning in the winter of 2010 we will begin shipping our new 225 and 750 kW turbines that are now manufactured in the United States. The result will be shorter shipping times and costs in North America for American-manufactured turbines, combined with a Danish turbine design that has been proven around th